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furthering study中文是什么意思

用"furthering study"造句"furthering study"怎么读"furthering study" in a sentence


  • 求学深造


  • Furthers study is needed of the role of low - osmolar contrast media in patients with severe renal impairment
  • On the basis of the government ' s policy of revitalizing the northeast old industrial base , preventing black earth from degeneration and strengthening protection of black soil in china , according to analysis of the distribution of black soil and the present research of black earth degeneration , the author summarized the main degradation type of black earth , revealed main reasons for its degradation , put forward some measures to prevent black earth from degrading and protecting black earth in addition , the author put forward the new and further direction to study the degradation of black earth on the basis of the existing study , and hope to play a role of inducing purpose in assuring sustainable utilization of black earth resource and furthering study
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